"What belongs on our Bucket List?"

Thursday, May 29, 2008

6 years ago

When Steven was diagnosed with a Brain tumor we searched the internet for resources answers and support. One of the places we found it was a forum, newsgroup, List-serve at yahoo groups. One the Pediatric Brain tumor list. The other a medulloblastoma list. We were quite active on the list while under treatment. Wonderful people like Loice and David helped navigate the new path we found ourselves on and later I hope we were able to help others as well. I have not stayed active but do continue to "lurk". We have been blessed to have our son survive and to have been surrounded by so much support. Following is the post I made today on the Brain tumor list.

(Long post)
Haven't posted for a long time. Still get the daily updates in my e-
mail. Have contacted a few of you personally if I think I can
encourage. But today as I reflect i wanted to offer hope.

6 years ago today Steven(16) was diagnosed with Medulloblastoma
Brain Cancer on 5/29/02 after weeks of persistent hiccoughs. His
initial surgery was done at Children's Hospital in Omaha. It was
then decided that we would go to St. Jude Children's Research
Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee to participate in a Phase II Clinical
trial for the Radiation and Chemotherapy treatments. On June 28th,
after a bout with meningitis, Steven underwent a second surgery to
remove residual tumor tissue. Steven has completed 31 cranial-spinal
radiation treatments and 4 courses of high dose chemotherapy with
stem cell rescue. Steven was released on January 30th, 2003.

6 years later? 2004- Steven graduated from High School as the
Salutitorian, 2007 - Was married A year ago in January to a lovely
sweet girl he met at a summer job. 2008 - this past May graduated
from College with honors. He will be interning as a youth minister
this Summer at a Church in Omaha, Ne. He and Britney just returned
from a solo canoe trip vacation in the boundary waters of
Minnesota. Many prayers have been answered.

His balance, co-ordination will never be 100% but it did get better
improving for a couple of years following treatment. His vision is
good in a narrow scope and gets worse peripherally. He makes the
trip to St.Jude for annual checkups on his own now. And we wait at
home to hear the results without much anxiety. It has taken time
and conscience decisions to move forward. It has impacted the
entire family. Change has taken place. Much of it for the better.
Britney and Steven don't know if they will be able to have kids. If
not, will adopt.

Pitty parties are few. We have a greater appreciation for those who
have faced physical challenges or handicapped children everyday of
their lives. We reach out to those parents struggling with sick
kids and fears that come with that. And sadly to those who have lost
the battle. Steven made several close friends while at St.Jude, MA
and lizzie, Matt, Tammy, Robert, Jeff, Austin and many others. So
yes there has been grief with the loss of close friends, but that,
because there was love first. We cling to that.

Steven, now 22 is writing a book he started in college as a class
assignment. It is therapeautic even after all this time to bring
closure and discover his identity beyond that of being a
cancer/victim/survivor. Revealing to me things I never knew he was
thinking and feeling.

That is enough for now. Thank you for listening. Hang onto hope,
fight the good fight, great others with a smile along the way.
Treatment is hard but it does come to an end and life, for many goes
on. For those who have lost this battle you have my deepest
condolences and sympathies. You are my heroes.


Lyle (Steven's Dad)

On with Life, Let the Sun Shine.


Cycle of Democracy

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury. "From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising them the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence:

"From bondage to spiritual faith;
from spiritual faith to great courage;
from courage to liberty;
from liberty to abundance;
from abundance to selfishness;
from selfishness to apathy;
from apathy to dependence;
from dependency back again into bondage."

Dr. Alexander Tytler, a Scot professor, wrote a scholarly tome, from which this concept comes, called "The Athenian Republic" which was published shortly before the thirteen American colonies gained independence from Britain. "Google" him to learn more.
In publishing a handout on the "Cycle" in 1994 I noted that the national debt had reached a staggering $4.5 trillion dollars. Today (Oct. 1, '07) it is $9.06 trillion! Our forebears thought of debt as slavery. They would be shocked at what their descendants have done. - - John Wrisley.